Feed to starter pigs weighing up to 25 pounds
WFG Pig Start 20
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Provimi D21 Pellets
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Provimi 1625 pellets
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Kalmbach Starter pellets
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Feed to pigs over 25 pounds
WFG Hog 18
Crude Protein 18%
Lysine 1.20%
Crude Fat 5%
Crude Fiber 3.50%
WFG Hog 16
Crude Protein 16%
Lysine 1%
Crude Fat 4%
Crude Fiber 3.50%
Feed to pigs over 100 pounds
WFG Hog 14
Crude Protein 14%
Lysine 0.85%
Crude Fat 3.50%
Crue Fiber 3.50%
WFG Gestation
Crude Protein 11%
Lysine 0.62%
Crude Fat 3%
Crude Fiber 5%
WFG Lactation
Crude Protein 16.5%
Lysine 1.07%
Crude Fat 5%
Crude Fiber 5%